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Science Dynamics Review 16 EN
The article deals with a Latin phrase expressing ancient wisdom about the origin of hatred.
TRES MATRES BONÆ pariunt tres filios malos
An extensive introduction summarizes the issues of emotions and the perception of emotional states, followed by an explanation of the long-term consequences of an individual's interaction with others. A systems causal loop diagram describes the structure of emotional processing of stimuli and includes a cascade of consequences leading to the development of the strongest negative emotional relationship. The subsequent simulation is focused on finding answers to the questions "By what mechanism does truth trigger hatred?" and "Can the intensity of experienced hatred be reduced? And if so, how?"
An extensive introduction summarizes the issues of emotions and the perception of emotional states, followed by an explanation of the long-term consequences of an individual's interaction with others. A systems causal loop diagram describes the structure of emotional processing of stimuli and includes a cascade of consequences leading to the development of the strongest negative emotional relationship. The subsequent simulation is focused on finding answers to the questions "By what mechanism does truth trigger hatred?" and "Can the intensity of experienced hatred be reduced? And if so, how?"