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Science Dynamics Review 14 EN
The issue focuses on a single, extensively discussed topic - Zimbardo's fifty-year-old Stanford Prison Experiment.
The article deals with the context in which the Stanford Prison Experiment took place in 1971. Similar experiments are mentioned, about which information has been preserved, and then the starting points, course and conclusions of the Stanford prison experiment are described in detail. In the main part of the work, the causes of the observed behavior are investigated, a causal loop diagram is created and subsequently a simulation model, the results of which are compared with the preserved records of participants' statements. The original conclusions are extended by the key missing element.
The article deals with the context in which the Stanford Prison Experiment took place in 1971. Similar experiments are mentioned, about which information has been preserved, and then the starting points, course and conclusions of the Stanford prison experiment are described in detail. In the main part of the work, the causes of the observed behavior are investigated, a causal loop diagram is created and subsequently a simulation model, the results of which are compared with the preserved records of participants' statements. The original conclusions are extended by the key missing element.