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Science Dynamics Review 13 EN

Science Dynamics Review 13 EN

In the thirteenth issue of our magazine we deal with two topics. The first is a look at The Balanced Scorecard twenty years after the publication of the Czech translation of Kaplan's book. In the second, we return to anti-epidemic policy and the systems context of vaccination.

A year ago, I was approached by the lovely Michaela from an organisation with which we used to work closely, asking me to write an article about meeting the fruits of the accountant's work on the occasion of his forthcoming arrival and award by the Žižkov Academic Swamp. Who knows what or who eventually threw a pitchfork into the glory, perhaps FauCo7, perhaps another element. Not to belabor the point: "If this gentleman is Princess Goldilocks, then I guess Kaplan didn't come...*" and the laudatio below is addressed to you, my students and supporters.

*Although Kaplan did eventually arrive, and I had a wonderful lunch with him at the Municipal House, but we don't need to spoil that lovely anecdote.
 The article follows the main topic of SDR 11 (Salvation, Ltd.) and SDR 12 (Once more for the thick-headed...) and focuses on the systems consequences of feeding substances into the organism under conditions other than those specified by the technology. Although these are theoretical considerations, the presented diagram and the simulation model results are able to explain the epidemic dynamics currently observed in many countries.