Welcome to the website of Science Dynamics - a project of Proverbs, a.s.

Principium sapientiae timor Domini, et scientia sanctorum prudentia.

Innovative research and system applications in medicine

Since its establishment, Proverbs, Inc. has funded biomedical research that includes diagnostic methods in neurology, sleep medicine, psychiatry and psychology, public health and epidemiology. The results of our work are made available in the form of articles published in journals indexed on Web of Science.
  • Systems approach in research
  • Top-notch technologies
  • Always challenging contemporary knowledge

13 Aug 2023

Idiopathic hypersomnia years after the diagnosis

Little attention has been paid to the long-term development of idiopathic hypersomnia symptoms and idiopathic hypersomnia comorbidities. The aim of this study was to describe the general health of patients with idiopathic hypersomnia years after the initial diagnosis, focusing on current subjective hypersomnolence and the presence of itsother possible causes.

13 Aug 2023

16 Jan 2023

A Systems Perspective of Public Health

Completion of the first phase of a research project on the application of a systems approach in public health and epidemiology - a textbook for health organization management, policy makers and students in masters and doctoral programs. ISBN 978-1-5275-9262-9, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.

10 Oct 2022

The sight of one's own body: Could qEEG help predict the treatment response in anorexia nervosa?

Successful completion of testing of our brain activation sequence method in psychiatry. Publication of the results of scientific research in patients with anorexia nervosa in Frontiers in Psychology.

10 Oct 2022

10 Jun 2022

Idiopathic Hypersomnia-A Dynamic Simulation Model

First application of system dynamics in hypersomnias of central origin - publication of the results of the project initiated in 2016 in Frontiers in Neurology.