Welcome to the website of Science Dynamics - a project of Proverbs, a.s.

24 048,75 CZK (19 875,00 CZK excl taxes) each Vensim I - Introduction to dynamic modeling CZ
35 846,25 CZK (29 625,00 CZK excl taxes) each Vensim II - Advanced dynamic modeling CZ
11 979,00 CZK (9 900,00 CZK excl taxes) each SABLE - Creating simulation interfaces CZ
13 189,00 CZK (10 900,00 CZK excl taxes) each Introduction to Trinitary diagrams
36 179,00 CZK (29 900,00 CZK excl taxes) each Introduction to multiangent modeling in Ventity
7 865,00 CZK (6 500,00 CZK excl taxes) each Vensim online course basic version
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